Friday, January 1, 2010

Realizing Our Potential

WOW ... how inspiring to think about and become aware that we have a great potential. This idea becomes even more meaningful at the start of the new year.

Even though we know that we have all the potential to be what we want to be, to do what we want to do, to get what we want to get, have good relations with our family and friends, be happy, be healthy, be rich, be successful, be wise, start the business we want to start, the joint venture we want to venture into, take the trip we want to take, write the book we want to write, and so on, we actually fall short of realizing these things ... why?

Well, I want to use this blog as a medium to put forth some ideas on what it takes to realize our potential, become aware of our current situation and then use that awareness as the starting point to see where we are wounded, where are we hurting, what we are lacking, and then use that awareness for personal coaching and healing.

So, this is the starting point ... and I am looking foward to your active participation in this worthwhile undertaking.

Let us start by creating a list of important issues ... sure we can add to or modify the items in the list ... and then discuss each of these items in future linked posts in this blog.

    • self image
    • belief system
    • world view
    • attitude
    • gratitude
    • emotions
    • matter and energy
    • nature of being
    • mental health
    • physical health
    • spirituality
    • love
    • abundance
    • knowing
    • inner healer
    • balance
    • congruence
    • security
    • harmony
    • safety
    • joy
    • peace
    • ....
    • conflict
    • fear
    • disease
    • stress
    • trauma
    • fobia
    • illness
    • self sabotage
    • anxiety
    • anger
    • feeling lonely
    • feeling constrained
    • restlessness
    • feeling of lack
    • ....
    • not recognizing out true nature
    • not recognizing our true potential
    • a distorted world-view
    • the idea that external factors -- people, circumstances, and events are cause of my unhappiness
    • that acquiring more worldly toys will give me joy and happiness

    • recognizing our true potential
    • having the right world-view 
    • understanding that happiness is an inside job
    • understanding that wordly toys do not give us joy and happiness

1 comment:

  1. Choose/Select What you want to acheive in your life (set a Goal), Get proper mentorship and have game plan, mose importantly be on action mode towards the game plan. You will achieve your goals and dreams what you want to be.
